Benefits of Custom Orthotics

Orthotics are prescription medical devices that you wear inside your shoes to correct foot alignment issues that cause biomechanical imbalances while walking, running, or standing. Orthotics can relieve foot and heel pain by compensating for a toe joint deformity or even lifting your arch. Custom orthotics are specifically designed for you to help your issues […]
How To Stay Healthy and In Shape During the Winter Season

3 out of 5 Canadians live their life everyday with one or more preventable chronic diseases, and 4 out of 5 are at risk. Most of these chronic diseases are favourably influenced by regular physical activity, so keep active all year ‘round! Try a Fun Outdoor Activity! It is difficult to have the motivation of […]
How To Improve Your Posture With an Office Job

On Average, full-time working Canadians spend 68.9% of their day sedentary (seated; inactive)! Not only does this impact the health of these citizens, but many people struggle with bad posture due to slouching over a computer all day! Here are some ways you are able to fix your posture: 1. Sit in chairs with back […]
Concussion Treatment and Management: Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS)

Etobicoke High Performance Health Clinic is a CCMI certified clinic offering concussion treatment and management grounded in scientific research in accordance with the Complete Concussion Management Incorporation. Concussion services offered at EHP Health Clinic include baseline testing, concussion treatment, and Return to Play/Work/Learn. Complete Concussion Management is shown to accelerate recovery by alleviating persistent concussion […]
Knee Pain Prevention

Knee pain is something that happens to everyone, at any age. While knee pain is more common among older individuals, it is not uncommon for younger people to have knee pain. Knee pain can be caused by many different things such as improper lifting of heavy objects, muscle weakness, starting high-impact fitness routines without a […]
3 Ways Massage Therapy Improves Mental Health

1. Reduces stress hormones and relieves depression Massage therapy is used to reduce stress and tension that gathers in our muscles due to anxiety and high-pressure situations. Along with making you feel better physically, massages also reduce cortisol levels, a hormone our body releases when we are stressed or anxious. Research has also shown that […]
5 Benefits of Personal Training

EHP Clinic offers up personal training, group training, and strength & conditioning services for its clients in either one hour or half hour sessions. Are you tired of doing the same old things in the gym? Are you scared you will injure yourself? Are you trying to reach your fitness goals, but can’t seem to […]
Prevention and Correction of Foot Pain in Soccer Cleats

Soccer requires the use of your feet more than any other sport. Sharp changes of direction, quick sprints, and being in constant stride for 90 minutes puts large amounts of stress on your feet. Biomechanics and overuse can cause overpronation which commonly results in injuries to the lower body. Such injuries include; Achilles tendonitis, shin […]
Hockey Players and Hip Pain

Hockey is a fast moving, heavy-hitting sport, because of this many players have hip problems. Hip injuries are commonly found in hockey players because of the unnatural mechanics of skating. Hip bursitis, pointer injuries and hip impingements can be a result of hard falls, being hit into the boards and poor biomechanics. Another common ailment […]